Tattoo artist super gay meme

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Houghton, from Manchester, England has now completed a two-year journey to get his body covered in ink after enduring the four-hour sitting to have his penis and testicles tattooed.įitness fanatic, Houghton, who lives in Spain and owns his own gym, became hooked on tattoos after having eight “embarrassing” tattoos covered up.

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Ray Houghton wrapped his penis around a rolling pin in order to get his genitals tattooed. He now boasts an impressive full body suit of ink which cost $9,500 and required more than 240 hours of tattooing. Ray Houghton, 61, can “proudly” claim to have at least one tattoo on every body part after undergoing the eye-watering four-hour of inking on his genitals. A bodybuilder whose entire body is covered in tattoos had to wrap his penis around a kitchen rolling to finish his private parts, including his testicles.

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