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“Kids,” “Ken Park,” “Marfa Girl” and “The Smell of Us” are all films that use explicit sex scenes intrinsically in their main storyline focusing on more taboo themes, like teenage sexuality. This paved the way for filmmakers like Larry Clark, whose films are internationally recognized. Much to his surprise, “Multiple Maniacs” was admitted into the Criterion Collection. “Pink Flamingos,” “Female Trouble” and “Desperate Living” all portray explicit homosexual sex acts. Waters’ uses this aversion to homosexual behavior as a guide in his directing career. Films like “9 ½ Weeks” and “Showgirls” seem docile by today’s standards, but more so, they are shifting away from strictly heterosexual exploitation.ĭirector John Waters’ film “Multiple Maniacs,” got a rise out of audiences by simply showing two men kissing. History has hailed uncensored films as inherently artistic. There was a time where simply showing full-frontal nudity in a film would grant an NC-17 or X-rating.

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The line between what is acceptable as art and what is seemingly pornography is becoming thinner as culture progresses. Model Kyleigh Potts -Photo by Jessica Holman

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